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Alt 24.05.2012, 15:13
Lutz, im Istrien Forum
Lutz offline
Kroatien Fan seit: 01.12.2009
Ort: Frankenthal/Pfalz
Beiträge: 5.498
Standard Vor 41 Jahren: Absturz am Flughafen Rijeka

Am 23.5.1971 geschah eines der grössten Flugzeugunglücke in der Geschichte Kroatiens. Ein Flugzeug vom Typ Tupolew Tu-134A der Fluggesellschaft “Aviogenex” ist, aus London kommend, auf dem Flugplatz von Rijeka in Omišalj nach einer Bruchlandung in Brand geraten. Dabei sind 78 der 83 Insassen ums Leben gekommen.

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Name:	19710523-0-C-d-2-750.jpg
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ID:	2094Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	19710523-0-C-d-1-750.jpg
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ID:	2095

Hier ein Auszug des Originaltextes der Untersuchung:

The Tu-134 approached Rijeka (RJK) in poor weather with heavy cumulo-nimbus, heavy rainfall and severe turbulence about 4km from the runway threshold. As the aircraft passed through the area, it was carried upwards and rolled to the right. The aircraft was now above the ILS glide path. Some 800m short of the runway, at a height of 60m the crew decided to continue the approach. Power was reduced and the angle of descent increased to 10 degrees. The aircraft struck the runway with the right main gear at an airspeed of 160km/h with 4g deceleration force. The right wing detached and the plane rolled on its back. The remaining stub of wing folded to block the overwing emergency exit. The aircraft slid for 700m and caught fire.

It is considered that the probable main cause of the accident of the TU-134A aircraft, registration marks YU-AHZ, which occured on the 23rd May, 1971, at "Rijeka" airport was a heavy landing on the right leg of the main landing gear, emphasised by an irregular position of the wheels and 0.7% slope up of the runway at the point of touchdown.
The Commission consider that the described deviation from the flight tehnique in itself, did not cause the crash of the aircraft, but that loading which resulted from the conditions under which the landing was performed made a greater contribution to the crash.
However, non-adequate handling of controls of the aircraft and engines could be explained only by false perceptions (illusions) of the crew concerning the aircraft position in respect to the runway.
The last minute of the flight was analysed on the basis of:
- flight recorder oscillogram
- results obtained during the investigation on the flight on board of the same type of aircraft.
- study of aerodynamic characteristics and stability of TU-134A - analysis of meteorological situation
- analysis of crew members' statement
According to the opinion of the Commission this was an exceptional and complex case of many unfavourable circumstances which resulted in this catastrophy.

Der gesamte Unfallbericht (PDF, 35 Seiten) zum Download
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