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Alt 19.04.2010, 12:41
Lutz, im Istrien Forum
Lutz offline
Kroatien Fan seit: 01.12.2009
Ort: Frankenthal/Pfalz
Beiträge: 5.650
Daumen runter Warum ist Tierschutz in HR wichtig???

Für den Fall dass sich jemand die Frage stellt warum wir uns so sehr um den Tierschutz in Kroatien kümmern, möchte ich ein Mail mit den dazu gehörenden Bildern auszugsweise veröffentlichen, welches wir heute von einem unserer Freunde bekommen haben. Die Fakten sind nachprüfbar...

I found pure cruelties against dogs. The little house has has 9 boxes - one side 4 other side (same size) five. In a box of 0.50 x 160 cm were put 4 dogs - they have less than 1sqm living in there own excrements. The food the "keepers" get from the town is taken by them for there own dogs. Obviously the dogs are killed by them - not by a vet - with a hammer . The "house" is part of a garbadge disposal area of the town. Nobody knows who is responsible for this because there are no signs on the entrence except the one shown at the picture - for garbadge disposal only. This is against all existing rules and laws. The Mayor is obviously the responsible person and the responsible Inspector is a good friend of him. Mayor is ZDRAVKA RONKO and the Inspectors name is VISATICKI. The society "Patronus" helps to avoid damages at the animals.They have a small animal shelter with place for approx 20 dogs and they are doing there best. And the Mayor will not co-operate with them in a reasonable way. The Inspector knows the situation because it was reported to him - but he did not act properly.
Another case of cruelty against dogs happend in Duprava. It was published in the local press "medimurje list" from 06.April 10. A dog was caught by official dog catchers and emideately cilled in the car, although the owner called that she will pick up the dog in some minutes. After this illegal slaughtering this dog was thrown in the river Sava. Everything can be proved. Obviously everything was ordered by the Mayor of Dubrava Mr. Marian Varga. The case is under investigation. In the same town puppies where caught out of a house and killed emediately after.

Wir sollten ALLE verstärkt darauf hinweisen, dass es in Kroatien auch anders geht, z.B. in Medulin. Dort hat gerade der Gemeinderat, unter Führung von Bürgermeister Goran Buic, dem Tierschutzverein Ruka Sapi ein geeignetes Gelände für ein modernes Tierheim zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Bilder sollte nicht nur jeder Tierfreund, sondern alle verantwortungsvollen Touristen bei der Wahl ihres Urlaubsortes in Kroatien berücksichtigen!

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