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Einfach tierisch
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Moderation: Eliane

Alt 01.02.2011, 15:36
Lutz, im Istrien Forum
Lutz offline
Kroatien Fan seit: 01.12.2009
Ort: Frankenthal/Pfalz
Beiträge: 5.649
Standard Hunde als lebende Bomben (englisch)

Kallas: EU security strategy covers 'live animal bombs'

European transport commissioner Siim Kallas insists that security legislation accounts for the possibility of explosives being smuggled on board aircraft through surgical implanting of live animals. Kallas has given the assurance in a response to European Parliament member Artur Zasada, who submitted a written question on the concern last month.

Zasada cited preliminary information on a failed attack on a civil aircraft operating out of Iraq, and asked whether the European Commission was aware of the threat and whether it was undertaking research to counter it. "Bombs were hidden inside live dogs that were to be sent by air to the USA," the submission read. "The animals had undergone surgery to conceal explosives and detonators inside them.

"However the operations were not carried out properly and, as a result, the animals died before they could be put on board the [aircraft]. Had that not been the case, it is unlikely they would have aroused the suspicion of the airport security services. The bombs concealed inside the animals would not have been detected even using the latest generation of scanners." Kallas states that the potential threat of live animals harbouring explosives "has already been considered" during the drafting of current European Union legislation on aviation security. In a respondse to Zasada's query, he says: "The Commission is indeed aware of the fact that terrorists are constantly looking for new methods aimed at bypassing the dense system of security controls at EU airports.

"Reports suggesting that terrorists may try to hide explosives inside animals to be transported by air confirm this and indicate the need for competent authorities to remain vigilant and not to exclude so far unused techniques for launching attacks." Kallas adds that the Commission "discusses regularly" with a regulatory committee on civil aviation security possible new methods for concealment, as well as innovative techniques for detection, of explosives.

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