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Urlaubspfoten e.V.
Der gemeinnützige Tierschutzverein Urlaubspfoten e.V. fördert
Tierasyle und Tierschutzprojekte in Kroatien und Deutschland.
Moderation: Eliane

Alt 10.02.2011, 06:45
Tanja offline
Erfahrener Benutzer
Kroatien Fan seit: 29.03.2010
Ort: Pula, Croatia
Beiträge: 182

With Megy, there is the same story as with Holly, the same illness and the same problems... just Holly is a little bit more sensitive.

Like Holly, cca 3-4 years old, more active. Now is staying inside so she has to get used to it... to other cats, and dogs...

Two friends..

For our beautiful Baby I will open a special thread on the forum, she is a real beauty and her destiny is sad.

Later in the evening, pictures of a new baby Zoe...
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